Welcome!  On this site you can access resources in English and Spanish that represent my research and commentaries ranging from the social uses of television to evolutionary communication

James Lull, author

About James

A biographical sketch about James Lull who is an Emeritus Professor of Communication Studies at San Jose State University located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley 

Proud of my ancestry t-shirt


Features some of James’ provocative written and photographic essays about evolution, religion, politics, media, culture and a host of other contemporary topics

Flags from spanish speaking countries

Portal Español

A Spanish-language repository of links to some of James Lull’s most important articles, essays, and book chapters.  An excellent resource for professors and researchers in Latin America

Trending Commentaries

Viet Nam: A Personal Retrospective

Viet Nam: A Personal Retrospective

We were so young. We were told we had to stop communist governments from taking over all of Asia by defeating them in what was then South Vietnam. China supported the communist North Vietnamese government. The United States supported the capitalist South. I spent the...

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We Evolve Together

We Evolve Together

Evolution is often understood as life-and-death competition between and among organisms where the “fittest” ones survive. That way of thinking rings true in a profound way, but it often creates a misunderstanding of how evolution actually works. We don’t survive and...

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Merchandizing Evolution

Merchandizing Evolution

Evolution may have a difficult time finding its rightful place in school curricula in the United States, but it certainly has established its presence in the commercial marketplace. Retail stores use iconic evolutionary concepts like these to attract customers. At gut...

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